Friday, August 23, 2019

My cat is yelling at me again. The reason my cat is so upset  is the speech recognition program I am using.  The program is stupid.

I need to use this because of the increased pain in my hands.

I haven't been using blogger or face book because of the pain in my hands.  Speech recognition was supposed to make things simpler, but instead even with very expensive headsets, its certainly been a nightmare.

I take pains to enunciate very clearly when using voice recognition with a spendy headset. However, no matter what I say, this program takes one out of every two sentences I speak and turns everything into gibberish.  If I relax instead of enunciating, what gets printed on paper is probably phonetic Martian, as spoken by a denizen of the Andromeda Confederation and then printed on toilet paper with off-market printer ink.

So, if you can't read this, blame the goddamned cat.

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