Tuesday, March 1, 2011

On Banana Peels

From my perspective on events which swirl around each of us subjectively day in and day out, things remarkable to us which aren't based on subjectively prioritized tasks and needs are based on the skewed up imaginary relationships which those around us make up regarding their invisible friends and the "magykal powers" of those invisible friends: and given that I have a dwindling patience level concomitant with my dwindling remaining lifespan; if I didn't skewer the more idiotic and/or malicious applications of that magykal thinking onto the lives and actions of others by those prone to projective imagination there'd be one more loobie loose in the general world population creating bloody and often fatal havoc on others with various weapons of random mutilation and without regard to the consequences of such behavior.

I wish to hell there were MILLIONS more people applying banana peels to rampant and deliberately irresponsible stupidity of imaginative projection!
For one thing, the competition to lob, lay and otherwise position the banana peels would be not only overt and fierce, but the increased accuracy and efficacious use of those peels would greatly benefit the general public in all things, crucial and incidental alike.

For another thing, those blithely snargling forth day in and day out to spread their imaginary bullspit would be effecitvely neutralized. At this point in time, it appears to me that not only are they seldom neutralized, the fvckers are gaining ground.

Finally, the increased consumption of bananas, metaphoric or actual, would eliminate all but the most medically severe cases of potassium deficiency in the world.

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