Sunday, March 16, 2008

Crazy Alone

Most people learn at an early age to reach out to other people. We do it from the cradle. We reach for something with a pulse before we can even focus our eyes.

We do it at first because we're hungry, we're too warm, too cold, we're wet, our bottoms are dirty or because we need some kind of comfort.

I think we reach out from the very beginning because it's goddamned lonely locked in one's own skin without the contact, the touch of something with a pulse that doesn't quite match our own pulses.

I think that when the fear isn't driven away by repeated and continual touching that's when babies go crazy and grow up into really crazy people.

Anything less than totally crazy, there's usually some way to get or remain in contact with other people.

Maybe that's not such a good thing sometimes.

Maybe sometimes alone and and crazy is better than touched and hurt for having reached out.

Maybe not.

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