Thursday, February 14, 2008

Nutterbutter's offerings

Every morning, there's a new cat toy on the rug in front of the fridge. Nutter's doing.

She has no interest in cat treats. OTOH, even with seasoning or gravy or marinade on meat, if offered a stringy tidbit, pork, beef, chicken, fish, from the table makes her no nevermind, she's there. Never takes more than 2, doesn't try to get ON the table, either; and doesn't demand every night.

However, during meal preparation, she'll stand, not sit in the kitchen, tail up (often it's down when she's not wanting to be noticed, which is a lot), head raised, whiskers back a bit, ears forward, SNIFFING. So, I take the pot off the burner, lay it on the rug in front of the fridge and let her SNIFF. That's all she wants.

I get something out of the fridge, she sniffs. So, I let her see and smell every ingredient. Same with spices.

Both are all over the fabric bags when I've been grocery shopping. I let them sniff every item as I empty the bags. If I don't, they go a bit nuts.

Having sniffed, they're done and they move on.

Unless of course, it's tuna.

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