Friday, May 27, 2011

Water Wings and Other Things

This is the second very cold, more overcast than usual spring here where I live.   Luck starting anything from seed last year and some this year has been ludicrous.  Things just end up mildewing and never sprouting, from *wet *cold.  Temps have hovered just above freezing at night for a month longer than usual, making this the coldest spring in WA state recorded history, colder than last year, which was dank and mildewey enough.  Climate change has begun here.  Today it started out promising and has finally turned to heavy rain. 

I had 11 tomato plants going, only two of which were actually red tomatoes -- most being black, yellow or green or striped varieties, and between the wind and the fact that they're too small to take advantages of the cages, it's a wonder they didn't all snap off and blow away.
My late tulips are beaten to shreds, as are the anemones and the blooming poppies I bought.    All the pots in the garden -- huge ceramic things-- show sprouts from summer bulbs, and from assorted perennial wildflower starts that sprang up from seed nearly 2 months after they were sown in them, but onenever knows.  I have over fifty TINY little poppy sprouts, some Icelandic and others oriental, but they're literally less than 3mm high and almost invisible.  If the heavy and large raindrops didn't beat them do death, the water pouring into the 10 gallon ceramic tubs may have floated them up and then into runoff and up and over the lip of the huge pots.   Poe, my granite crow got pelted hard enough to wash the redwing blackbird poop off his head.   I aquired Poe to startle the robins out of my garden, because they were snarfing ittty frogs, not just worms, and I LOVE my frogs and want them in the yard.  Robins are stupid.  Redwings, on the other hand, NEW Poe wasn't animate.  He's kept the robins out, however.

If this doesn't revert to a more normal weather pattern, the nurseries around here are going to have to start selling immature plants with water wings in order to make people go on and buy them.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Briefly on bin Laden

Everyone and his mutt probably has blogged copiously about Osma bin Laden having been found and killed.  It's been 9 years and 8 months since 9/11/2001, give or take a day or two.

How nice that President Obama kept that promise.  That turd from Texas who's more or less my age didn't keep HIS promise.  He had no intention of doing so. The last plane out of this country before the no-fly edict was locked down after the 9/11 attack was BUSH FAMILY'S MAKING SURE BIN LADEN RELATIVES GOT OUT OF THE COUNTRY ON A PLANE.  They're all friends, all old bidness associates, and are still in bidness with one another as I type this.  You don't bite the family of the hand that feeds you your ill-gotten gains by embarrassing them by hunting down and killing one of their relatives, even if that relative is a sociopathic murdering embarrassment.

So, getting back to President Obama.  He hasn't kept his promise to us in this country.  He didn't clean up the banking industry.  He's sold women and our rights to our bodies down the fucking drain.  He's appointed NO ONE to cancel out the Constitution hating SCOTUS judges and pawns of facist multinational korporations, Roberts, Thomas and Scalia.  Obama's appointees VOTE WITH THEM, as often as not.  Obama's Atty. General, Holder, has smaller balls... and a lot less potent ones, than a field mouse.

Okay, I'm the person I've been waiting for.  So are all progressives.  Or so that's what Obama tells me.  *I've been doing MY job, standing off korporations as well as I can, harranguing my legislators with one-issue letters and calls on issues of importance to me.  I've done the same on human rights.  HE's muttered once or twice impotently and then signed utter raping bullshit into law, god dammit.

So what has killing bin Laden done?  It kept a promise.  It won't make much of a dent in terrorism, abroad or at home.  Most of the terrorists in this country are home grown.  They're teafuckingBAGGERS.  They're goddamned racist Republicans.  They're Christian extremists, facists, anti-constitutionists, luddites, antiscience, deniers of global warming, KORPORATISTS.

And they commit erosions to my poor beleaguered nation's constitution and governmental transparency daily, continue to wage occupations abroad to get oil to line their pockets with, continue to stall any kind of green technology unless they can dismantle it or rape it to the point that no individual can afford it, continue to make it impossible for the middle class and the poor to afford decent health care and preventive care, and continue to lie about it, completely baldfaced.

God dammit.