Thursday, January 6, 2011

Home Owners ASSociations

The title says it all.

Did I Kill a Rodent?

In the recent dream, the little rodent habitat was deep navy blue and habitat trail tubes came out of it in umpteen directions from its seat on a table by the window up along the ceiling, around the walls of teh room, down a  bookcase and out the door to other locations in the house, eventually joining all its various tunnels in a round ball nexus sitting on a dry sink in the front hall.  The house looked to be full of transparent and translucent segments of "vacuum cleaner tube" through which a rodent could race at top speed, totally safe from cats.  It seemed as much a part of the house as the neutral Kilim beige walls and had been there as long as he walls.  In the dream, at least.

I woke up having realized in my sleep that I hadn't seen the occupants, seen the habitat, seen or thought about the house in months, hadn't fed the occupants, hadn't changed any bedding or put out any water.

I looked around the house for 20 minutes before it dawned on me that the only pets I have or have had for 10 years are the two cats.

But I felt guilty all day.